Web hosting

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Visitors tracker

View of StatCounter dashboard

When finish create your website don't forget to set up visitors tracker to your website/blog using website tools. There are a lot of tracker counter now days. You can visit, or and etc.

You can get traffic highway using Feedjit and flag on line visitor with Compteur. Stat Counter tracker have give you more function.

Register you Stat Counter at You can use more than one website/blog for single account. Every website called 'project name'. Using this tracker you can get your website/blog summary visitor on Stat Counter dashboard.

There are:

1. Returning Visitors - Based purely on a cookie, if this person is returning to your website

for another visit an hour or more later.
2. First Time Visitors - Based purely on a cookie, if this person has no cookie then this is

considered their first time at your website.
3. Unique Visitor - Based purely on a cookie, this is the total of the returning visitors and first

time visitors - all your visitors.
4. Page Load - The number of times your page has been visited.

You also can see your statistics visitor in daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

What is RSS Feed?

RSS Feed is a system that allows you to read the blog articles when it has being updated without even visiting your favorite websites.

RSS stands for, Really Simple Syndication is a family web feed formats used to publish frequently updated documents format such as news, blog entries, audio and video automatically. Its used to get news delivered directly to your desktop!

The benefit readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from favored websites or to aggregate feeds from many sites into one place.

The user subscribes to a feed by entering the feed's URL into the reader or by clicking an RSS icon in a browser that initiates the subscription process. The RSS reader checks the user's subscribed feeds regularly for new work, downloads any updates that it finds, and provides a user interface to monitor and read the feeds.

You can subscribe to any website that you like or CNN news or any favorite reader like, My Yahoo or Google Reader and organize your subscriptions there. Just click the orange Feed icon in any site.

If you subscribe my blog you can get new updates easily without visit my blog.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Good keywords or niches

Why do you need good keywords? Without good keywords when you will have to visit a number of search engines and services... Type in your main keywords... Extract the output files... Save them... then repeat the same thing for each of your secondary keywords...It will take you a few hours...Using Good Keywords simply saves a lot of time and effort.

After created your blog focus to create keywords. For example if you put your blog title as "dog guide" than you can make your keyword like 'dogs tip', 'dogs guideline', 'beautiful dog', 'groovy dog', 'crazy dog' and etc.

Use Keyword Suggestion Tool at to research your favorite keyword. It use to discover the keywords your customers are searching for right now. You also can make competitive research, and link research tools directly in any web page for free.

After that research your keyword value with traffic estimator. You can get Cost Per Click value for every keyword you have at It's useful for sign up Google AdSense Adv programme.

The Globe is one of the way I make money online, anyhow sometime had server problem!



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